Digital Kanban from Datacraft Solutions` Profiled in The Manufacturer
Released on = April 18, 2006, 7:43 am
Press Release Author = Kelly Pryor
Industry = Telecommunications
Press Release Summary = Digital Kanban from Datacraft Solutions' Profiled in The Manufacturer
Press Release Body = "One of the biggest challenges that the supply chain is really dealing with today," contends Justin Diana, chief technology officer of Datacraft Solutions, "is the whole issue of accountability. When things go wrong - lines go down or product doesn't show up - all players, interactively with tools via the Internet, can take necessary steps that transcend their boundaries. An 'exception' [event] that affects the end result doesn't come as a surprise anymore. Managers already are involved in resolving them."
This is a brief except from the April issue of The Manufacturer. The entire feature article may be read at
Web Site =
Contact Details = Datacraft Solutions Kelly Pryor 800-819-5326
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